I've been rearranging letters for recreation and recompense since I was 10. there hasn't been any money yet, but I'm keeping the faith.

Saturday, November 15


It is a surprise to myself that I am about to write this, this is a path much less taken these days, but it has to be said, in fairness to my own actions.

This year, I made progress. Amidst the blinding melancholy of yester-year, amidst the sappy funks and the down and outs, I managed, to my own surprise to progress in life. I now have a job I do not hate, am doing well at, and lo and behold, I even feel like I learn something everyday.

27- inches away from death. An inch closer yes, but inches away. I hate stupid questions like what is your birthday wish for this year, but someone asked me this a few days ago, and I had a really hard time answering. I've had enough of asking for world peace, its a pipe dream, I've wasted so many years asking for it, I might as well stop trying. I'd love a DJ Shadow concern though, but still, with no ecstasy around, it would just last for a few hours, and then the memories would fade.

But then I thought about it, and then some more. Finally, on my way back home, I hit upon it, something that I have always wanted but never been close to. Now I am closer to it than ever before- a house of my own. A place which I buy, decorate, and which houses my memories.

A home, my birthday wish this year is to buy a place of my own in Toronto. I'd like to give it on rent, let some other sucker pay for it.

Its probably not going to happen this year, but from this day on, that is my birthday wish for every year. A place which I can buy and where my parents can live when they grow old. And I ca grow old. In the next three years, I'd like to do that, take advantage of the bad economy and get myself a place at a nice price.

And so it is, I will spend this year just like I did the last 26, wishing for something beyond my reach, failing at times, succeeding at others, all the while living this life, inches from death.