I've been rearranging letters for recreation and recompense since I was 10. there hasn't been any money yet, but I'm keeping the faith.

Monday, December 5

Its about time.

This post was originally penned at 5:20pm Doha time on the flight from Dubai to Karachi.

The excitement has quelled- other emotions are now taking over. I haven't seen my family for nine years. I went from visiting every years to not visiting for an age; from the oldest grandson to being a non-existent one.

Both my grandpas have died in the interim- I did not attend either of their funerals. Its been a long nine years, someofmy cousins are not only married now, they also have kids. I have never seen them, don't know their names- there's too many to remember. At last count, I had just 12 nephews alone. Its yimefor them to meet their Chacha from Canada, the one that always manages to not be there.

Life has thrown me curve balls this year, even the semi-vacation in Doha has not been easy. Its time to enjoy life for a while and revel in the love of family. Karachi is 1198 km away, thats 1 hour and 23 minutes- it still feels like an eternity.