water resistant
It was drizzling all day today. That wet in your face rain that insists on coming down slanted so as to leave your castro hat unscathed but your face completely covered in what seems like sweat but is really cold water. It felt like England all day, in fact its felt like England for three days straight. I was out taking my walk in mid-afternoon trying desperately to get my mind off my stomach which was screaming for food. I was fasting, and above that, I hadn't woken up for the pre-dawn meal earlier in the day. I wasn't bitter though, the Discovery channel had a diocumentary on eagles till 2 am... I couldn't give it up. In fact, I caught it once again just before I left for my walk.
Anyway, here I am walking along, clad in my jacket, hat, and sports pants when an elderly lady starts to walk out of a house and down the street towards me. Poor woman, she probably had bad eyesight, or maybe it was just the rain that was impeding her vision, but it took her more than a hundred metres before she realised that she was walking straight at a brown guy, that too on an empty street. She stopped dead for a second. I saw it, I always do. She resumed walking, but her purse was not by her side anymore, instead it was clutched in both hands ever so tightly. She stayed vigilant. Her gaze never really off me but her eyes never really on me.
I kept walking, but as I neared her I could smell her distress. A smile crept on my face and a sinister plan developed. I kept walking faster, sort of cutting the pathway off. She would have to pass right by me when we did cross. She looked up tentatively as we did, and I grinneing broadly said, god bless you. That should teach her. My stomach grumbled again, I kept walking.
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