I've been rearranging letters for recreation and recompense since I was 10. there hasn't been any money yet, but I'm keeping the faith.

Saturday, August 9

This shall remain un-posted

Dated: Aug 3/08

As I have grown older, its been to my own surprise that I have become more set in my ways- where I used to be all over the place, I am now happy to be where I am. I have not given up mind you, not at all, there has been nothing to give up, I have merely just become older, perhaps a bit more stubborn in my ways.

This too is a changing state, I know. Thus, a yearning has crept in, a yearning to record this too, to chronicle these days as I have my flexible past, to talk of this rigidity with the vigor that I still possess, lest it too leaves me behind.

So starts this log again, unsure of itself, finally put into words after months of turmoil.. shall I write? shall I not? Do I dare? Do I dare not? The doldrums have become unsettling, the clang of the written word harps to my soul, and here, slave to my own unspoken thoughts, I write.

I see that I have already weaved a tale with nary thought yet said.

So it begins..